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FlexSim 고객 지원


우리의 세계적 수준 FlexSim Support Team is ready and willing to help you during your simulation journey. Our support goes beyond “tech support”—FlexSim’s support engineers help with everything from specific model building questions to licensing and installation.

Support for Licensed Users with Active Maintenance

  • Questions posted to FlexSim 답변 will always be answered by FlexSim’s support engineers, promptly and professionally. If it requires more attention, we can meet with you over a web meeting to dive a little deeper.
  • There are options for both phone and email support, where you can interact directly with a support engineer.

Public Support Resources

  • Questions posted to FlexSim 답변 can be answered by your peers in the worldwide FlexSim community—plus you have access to many years of knowledge, so your question may have already been answered. FlexSim’s support engineers may be able to answer these questions if they aren’t overburdened.
  • Free resources are available to help you improve your FlexSim skills, including:
FlexSim 답변?

The best way to get help from our Support Team is through our Q&A knowledge base, FlexSim 답변. Our support is now even better because:

  • FlexSim Answers has grown into a vast, searchable database of simulation knowledge that benefits the whole FlexSim community—and it keeps getting bigger with each answered question.
  • It has powerful features to share models and screenshots for faster support, plus the ability to bring subject experts into the conversation.
  • Strong community involvement and access to our worldwide distributor network (which you can’t get over the phone) means your question can be answered faster and at any time of the day.

Is your question confidential, top secret, or otherwise closed to the public? No problem! Simply ask a private question and only FlexSim employees will be able to view it and help you out.

Read our blog post on how FlexSim Answers can help you get better at simulation.

추천의 글

자주 묻는 질문 (FAQ)

그것을 시도하고 싶습니까? 방문 FlexSim Answers now to get answers to your simulation questions.