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Downloads [Download Support_OperatorPicksFromShelfBoxes_TD]
File Name: Support_OperatorPicksFromShelfBoxes_TD (43.2 KB) Download
Author: Michael Hartlieb / Michael Pohl / Tom David (Uploaded by Tom David)
Date Added: 12-04-2008
Downloads: 2387
Grade: Not Rated
This is a model from Michael Hartlieb and Michael Pohl, which are just working three weeks with Flexsim.

Build a model for an operator who picks items directly out of a box from a shelf/rack and puts the box back if he finished picking. If the box is empty the operator will bring the empty box out of the system.

The main idea of their solution is just to put a Processor into the Operator. The rack just uses the Standard Use Transport task sequence and sends the box to the processor in the operator. The operator travels to the box (right position) and now the process starts (pick time). At the end of the pick time the OnProcessFinish Trigger is used for the logic (update labels and tables). In the Send to the box is send back to the rack or send to the Sink, just using the Standard Use Transport task sequence.
The Global Tables show the number and location of boxes in the rack and the number of items in the specific box.

The model is from Michael and Michael (so all credits belong to them) and tom the (A)tom just put a GUI with description, put some Visual Tools into the model and adjust the visualization a bit.

Do not delete or rename the object Logo_FlexsimD, because otherwise the model will not work correctly. Also do not rename, delete or rerank other objects.



Tom David
tom the (A)tom

Flexsim Version: v4.50

Here is a link to the forum thread:
Tom David on 12-04-2008
Downloads [Download Support_OperatorPicksFromShelfBoxes_TD]

Sven Polz
12-12-2008 at 10:38 AM
I downloaded the “Support_OperatorPicksFromShelfBoxes_TD”
When I try to open the model my Flexsim program crashes with a Runtime error:
RunTime Error!
Program: C:Program Files\Flexsim4\program\flexsimrunner.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

Any ideas what might be going wrong?
Tom David
12-13-2008 at 02:43 PM
I hope you do not start the model directly from the Explorer.
First start Flexsim, then open the model.

NEVER start Flexsim from the Explorer !!!

If you have installed the beta version v4.50beta, you also should compile the entire session, before you open any model.

I hope, I gave you the right hints.

By the way, you will get a quicker response if you post directly in the forum and not hidden in the comments in the download section.

DownloadsII 5.1.2 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin

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